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Get Dental Implants before Jawbone Loss

by |November 12, 2015

Lose a tooth in the wrong spot and you lose your perfect smile. Lose too many teeth and it can impair your ability to speak and chew. Ignore tooth loss completely and you may eventually lose your jawbone as well. That’s why your San Diego dentist recommends getting dental implants before you lose your jawbone.

Reduce Chances of Jawbone Loss

Jawbone resorption occurs when there is insufficient stimulation to the jawbone – through regular biting and chewing – to keep it healthy. It doesn’t matter whether tooth loss occurred in a car accident, while playing sports, or due to untreated gum disease. Without tooth roots to stimulate and support your jawbone, your body reabsorbs it. “Use it or lose it,” as the saying goes.

In addition, jawbone loss may occur in people with osteoporosis, especially those who wear dentures. These individuals may notice their dentures no longer fit properly.

There are several ways to help reduce your chances of bone loss. First, increase your intake of calcium and vitamin D, and limit your intake of alcohol. Be sure to get plenty of exercise. If you smoke, stop now. Finally, for people who already have some tooth loss, talk to your La Jolla dentist about the benefits of dental implants.

Bone Grafts May be Used to Replace Jawbone Loss

Traditional dental implants rely on a healthy and strong jawbone to be successful. Unfortunately, sometimes the loss of teeth or a health condition like osteoporosis has already caused excessive jawbone loss. That’s when bone grafting may be the only solution.

Dentists use bone grafting to rebuild the bone around the jaw area when your jawbone is too soft or too thin to hold dental implants. While there are several types of bone grafting options, the best choice is to use your own bone. Generally, your dentist will remove the bone and bone marrow from an area such as your hip or chin.

After the bone grafting is complete, it can take several months for the new bone to grow sufficiently and for the graft to heal. However, once healed, you’re ready for dental implants.

Graftless Solution with All-on-4® Dental Implants

All-on-4® dental implants are different from traditional dental implants. Because your San Diego dentist can place rear implants at a 45-degree angle, the dental implants can be longer and stronger. This generally eliminates the need for time consuming bone grafting. Additionally, All-on-4® dental implants require fewer implants per dental arch.

If you’ve lost teeth and are in the process of choosing the best tooth replacement solution for you, talk to your La Jolla dentist. He can help you decide if All-on-4® dental implants are the right choice for your dental needs.