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Saving a Lost Tooth

by |February 18, 2016

When it comes to Saving a Lost Tooth there are some things that you can do when it comes to Saving a Lost Tooth.

While tooth loss has declined since the 1970s, the most recent figures from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research indicate that adults between the age of 20 and 64 still have an average of only 78 percent of their own teeth.

The reasons for tooth loss vary greatly. Everything from sports injuries to car accidents to poor oral hygiene can result in a lost tooth or two. However, there are ways to reduce your chance of losing a tooth. For instance, wearing a mouth guard when you play sports and seeing your La Jolla dentist on a regular basis can be beneficial.

There also are ways to save a lost tooth should you happen to lose one.

Saving a Lost Tooth

Your San Diego dentist may be able to implant a lost tooth, if you follow these instructions and visit him immediately you could ultimately be saving a lost tooth.

  • When you find the lost tooth, touch the crown portion only – never touch the roots.
  • Don’t brush debris off the tooth, you could damage it. Instead, gently rinse it briefly in a bowl of lukewarm tap water.
  • Place the tooth back in its original position in your mouth and cover it with gauze or a moist paper towel. Bite down slowly to hold the tooth in place.
  • If you can’t put it in its original position, place it between your cheek and gum. An alternative is to place it in room temperature saltwater (1/4 teaspoon salt in a quart of water) or sterile saline solution.
  • Contact your La Jolla dentist

Implanting the tooth should occur within two hours after the tooth is lost. Otherwise, it is unlikely to be successful.

Dental Implants Best Option after Tooth Loss

Ultimately, your best option for tooth loss may be dental implants.

Dental implants offer the best solution because they are most like your natural teeth. In fact, they look, feel, and function so much like your own teeth, no one – not even a dental care professional – can tell. They merely look as if you have a crown. Therefore, it’s important to notify someone unfamiliar with your dental history that you have dental implants before they treat you.

However, dental implants offer an additional benefit. They replace missing tooth roots. Tooth roots are important to the stability of your jawbone. They prevent further bone loss by stimulating the bone thereby helping to prevent facial collapse.

Dental implants allow you to speak, eat, and enjoy everyday life without having to worry about your smile or your teeth. As long as you maintain them like you would your natural teeth, including regular visits to your San Diego dentist, dental implants should be with you for years to come.

If you would like more information regarding Saving a Lost Tooth contact your La Jolla dentist today.