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Things to Avoid with Dental Implants

by |December 24, 2015

There are some Things to Avoid with Dental Implants as your San Diego dentist explains.

You’ve finally decided that dental implants are the perfect tooth-loss solution for you. Be forewarned. While dental implants are a great solution for tooth loss, as with any dental procedure or appliance they require specific dental care.

Be sure to talk candidly with your La Jolla dentist beforehand and consider what you’ll want to avoid afterwards.

Things to Avoid with Dental Implants: Don’t Smoke with Dental Implants

While smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are other reasons not to smoke, especially if you have dental implants.

Smoking can lead to a number of diseases, including oral cancer, as well as cause dental implant failure. At least one study suggests that for smokers who have dental implants, the implant failure rate is nearly 16 percent, compared to less than 2 percent for nonsmokers. Additionally, smokers increase their potential for infection following dental implant surgery.

If you’re currently a smoker, talk to your San Diego dentist honestly about whether dental implants are right for you.

Things to Avoid with Dental Implants: Don’t Exercise Immediately after the Dental Implant Procedure

 Any time you have dental work that involves tooth, gum, or bone surgery, it’s important to follow your dental professional’s instructions exactly. Specifically, for dental procedures that require sedation, sutures, and the need for healing, most dentists suggest no strenuous exercise for as long as a week.

 Speak with your La Jolla dentist prior to the dental implant process to find out his recommendations regarding exercise. 

Things to Avoid with Dental Implants: Don’t Ignore Your Dentist’s Instructions

To ensure a speedy and healthy recovery after dental implants surgery it is vital you follow your dentist’s instructions.

This might include no driving, no smoking, rinsing with warm salt water, no rigorous exercise, and taking prescribed medication. Whether you visit your San Diego dentist or another dental professional, they each have a list of instructions they will require you to follow.

Things to Avoid with Dental Implants: Don’t Forgo Regular Dental Care of Dental Implants

 There seems to be a huge misconception that because dental implants are made of titanium and resist disease, they require less care. This thinking is wrong and one of the biggest Things to Avoid with Dental Implants.

Even after getting dental implants, you need to continue to brush and floss daily as well as visit your La Jolla dentist on a regular basis. In addition to monitoring the success of your implant procedure, your dentist will need to provide regular dental maintenance to your remaining natural teeth and gums. They are still very much vulnerable to disease.

Things to Avoid with Dental Implants: Don’t Use Dental Implants as a Tool

 Using your teeth as a tool – to open a bag or cut the plastic cord on a price tag – can lead to fractured or broken teeth. Just because dental implants are made of titanium and stronger than you natural teeth, doesn’t mean the situation changes. Your teeth are for chewing, speaking, and facial structure. Don’t risk damaging them.

Dental implants are a great remedy for tooth loss. However, you need to continue to care for them just as you would your natural teeth. Talk to your San Diego dentist about Things to Avoid with Dental Implants and whether dental implants are right for you.